Sunday, December 31, 2006

goodbye present year, hello future year

today is the last day of 2006... i can say its the best, the worst, the most exciting and the most unlucky and lucky year... leaving 2006 with lots of memories... good ones and bad ones of course... who can run away from it rite???

so i started my day with a big smile... coz yuss' mom brought some nasi himpit, lemang, and rendang for us... luckily its just the 5 of us in the house... abe, angah, ujang, azri, yus, and me staying for like 3 days alone...

after having a great (i can say that) meal, as usual, i sit infront of my pc and do stuffs like surfing, even though the internet is so damn slow, listen to my play list, ym with my buddies, and folding... usual things, everyday...

2006 will end like 2 hours plus after i finish blogging of course... still didnt figure out where to go, what to eat, what to do, etc... but next week im having a final semester exam... too much to worry about... but, what the heck, this is life man... hahaha

still not setting up any determination yet... coz im still blur with what i want... hahaha... just hoping for the best for my family, my friends, my buddies, and people especially muslims around the world... wishing you all a happy new year...

me??? well, i just hope that i wont get into any trouble anymore, get good results in my diploma, graduate with flying colors, and further my studies abroad... yup, this is my goal... setting up high goals so that i can make my parents proud... like always... hahaha

for the past, have to move on... since its part of your life to occur things as such... if you fail to face it, you wont get through your own life... so be mature, think rationally, pray to GOD, and learn from mistakes...


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