Monday, January 29, 2007

back to melaka

well, well, well... now im back in melaka, have to start working... yeah... finally, it ends tonight... new semester, just wanna work things out... finish everything and im going to grad!!! yeah... for 2 years working my ass out, i finally get a real diploma certificate... hahaha...

this sem, my timetable seems to be more free time... hahaha... good for me though, coz im trying to be someone, and try to create something to make both my parents proud, make myself proud, and create the thing... hahaha... dreaming with objectives and mission...

waht i want for this sem is finish up fyp, my studies, and done... get out from melaka, back to kl, do my practical, and walla... cert i get... hahaha... this is all i have to do... make proud of myself... hehehe...

well, i guess thats just it... will come up more later on... :D

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