Saturday, January 6, 2007

futsal day...

today, and yes today as in at 1am in the morning, i went for a game of futsal with my friends... we have like 3 teams playing for like half an hour rotating according to the rules of who wins stays... latif is here in melaka to send his report on industrial training... so he take this opportunity to play futsal with us... yeah!!!

it was a pleasure day as i wanted to play futsal so bad, coz i didnt play for like 3 weeks time... trust me, its long... hahaha... the 3 teams are bunga angkasa as in my team, latif's team, and acap's team... we play with full energy as most of us didnt play for quite some time...

as for myself, i went there with azri and irene... came kinda late, so we start late... i score like 5-8 goals coz i really wanna score badly... hahaha... long time didnt play so when the time has arrive, i rule!!! hahahaha...

i guess my life is full of joy and sorrow... but, that doesnt matter as i have my friends to enjoy with me together... futsal is part of my life, heck football is my life... no ball, no life... cant live without it... hehehe...

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