Tuesday, January 2, 2007

exam fever

exam is coming!!! hahaha... yup, my final semester exam is coming and supposedly on wednesday, they changed it to thursday... good... still havent cover everything yet... this thursday i will be sitting system analysis and design paper, and e-commerce... morning and at night... a back-to-back exam... just what i need... *sigh*

usually when it comes to exam week, everything you dont want to happen, it will happen... dont believe me??? trust me... hahaha... this very week you will get fever, insomnia, dizzy, migraine, laziness, and mood swing... this is several of many types of diseases for the entire week... hahaha...

and as stated, ive been caught with a fever... haiz... just noticed few days back when i hardly breathe when i want to sleep... and when the fever comes, it also offers you a package... get fever, free flu, cough, and dizzy... nice package... hahaha... hope that it will end soon enough... dont want to interrupt my studies and exam...

i guess that just it... will blog more later if i have time... study study study... *im drowsy*

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