Thursday, January 11, 2007

same old day, everyday...

yesterday, i woke up around 10.30am coz someone is calling me for breakfast... well, the person is a she, her name is rina... she wake me up to have breakfast with her... so, i wake up, take my bath, dressed up and walk to hidayah... hahaha... typical thing to do but its early man... usually i'll wake up around 2pm... hahahaha...

reached there in 10 minutes time, saw her sitting alone by herself... i sit, order, and start talking... normal stuffs though... she wants to have breakfast with me so that she can try new recipe introduced by yan, roti planta pisang... sounds weird, anything you think it is... i didnt eat roti planta nor roti pisang but she insist to share, so i think again, what the heck...

call the mamak, and order... the best thing happen, no pisang... hahaha... that was lucky... she was frustrated but then she order vade... i order roti canai... hehehe... save by the pisang... hahaha...

finish, i sent her to her friends house nearby... by leg... hahaha... means we're walking... yeah, no car, no bike, not even a driving license... so, walking is the option left... hahahaha... after sending her there, i walked back home and take a rest... my friend call me and he said he wants to go to KLCC... i have nothing better to do, so i follow him...

that was the 2nd time in 2 days i went there... KLCC... i dont know why, but i just go... hahaha... walk around with adib and shalesh, we went store by store... adib is looking for a jump suit but there's no jump suit that in his budget... head back home, and yes, everyday is the same... sit infront of my pc, listen to my play list, surf the net, blogging, and what else??? nothing... what a holiday... *sigh*

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