Tuesday, January 9, 2007

home sweet home...

finally, my second semester of my second year in multimedia university has ended... my last paper was on last sunday, and i directly head back home in ampang coz i cant stay there long... not that i cant, i just want to be in ampang where everything is stress-free... heheheh... to my friends that i consider as, happy holidays... we will see each other again for another semester... heheheh...

yesterday is meor's birthday... he's turning 20 this year... wishing you a happy birthday... hope you lead a healthy, and prosperous life... amin... and today is irene's birthday... her 19th birthday... and same like meor, wishing you a happy birthday... hope you will lead a healthy, prosperous life... hope you and azri last forever... amin... is good to wish a good will to those who are important in any ways in your life...

as for myself, i'll be having quite boring holiday as i have to finish up my FYP, mmusic's website, IT fair website, and many more... so, no holiday for me... huhuhu... hope everything will be done by time... lots of work with so little time... my enjoy time??? i guess i enjoy doing things i like... and it process side income for me... yeay... its just what i do, and the rest is Allah's will... the almighty god...

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