Friday, January 5, 2007

heal me, im sick... (not heartsick) =p

today, is break day... break from a nasty day yesterday... damn, so tiring coz i have exam in the morning and at night... not enough sleep, less food consume, everything... nearly collapse but, hehehe... im not that crazy...

so, my head feels like exploding when i was in the exam hall, plus the air conditioner is so damn freakin cold... freezing like ice age... hahaha... and i finish early coz i cant stand the cold, freezing hall, my head is super headache, and i manage to finish the exam like 1 hour early... so, why wait???

go back home, relax, and eat... take my leisure time watching "revenge of the nerds" and cant take it anymore... i have to sleep!!! wait for my roomie with my panadol and done... sleeping beauty... what else?? owh, my fever is kinda ok already, so now i have to deal with flu, cough, breathing prob and lost of appetite... guess the best way to start a new year... *sigh*

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