Thursday, January 4, 2007

a new beginning

new year... new start... all new la... hahaha... life sure is interesting... hahaha... so i just came back from U center and obr burger stall with anep... we went there to get some burgers and drinks at U center... turns out the burger taste good... yum yum...

since i said its a new beginning, so i wanna start off with forgiving and ask for forgiveness... since everyone do make mistakes, big or small, i guess i should say that im sorry for what ive done... sorry for everything... hope those who i ever hurt can forgive me as im not perfect... heh...

and i also wanted to tell to those who thinks they have done wrong to me or something, i just wanna say that i forgive your sins... im not GOD, im not even a prophet, im just a normal guy who do mistakes like other people...

forgive the sins and DO NOT reheat it because it will never end... so forgive them... people deserve a second chance, heck, people deserve to get chances... we do mistakes... we regret... it is better late than never... so, decide what would you like to start off this year???

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